
Monday, March 12, 2018
A limited number of JAD Speckle Park embryos are sometimes available for private sale, with priority given to existing JAD clients. We have some available at present, so please contact Amy at (0427) 464 333 or email jad@jadspecklepark.com.au for more information. We also offer packages of four embryos in our annual on-property bull and female sale.

At JAD, we are committed to getting the little things right, and when buying JAD embryos you can be assured of the following: 

  • 50% pregnancy guarantee, when cows are used as recipients (not heifers). We sell embryos in even numbers only to make this guarantee possible (eg: one cannot offer a 50% pregnancy guarantee on a package of three embryos)
  • ALL dams and sires used to produce JAD embryos have AI Sire or ET Donor Dam Permits already in place with the breed society, Speckle Park International (SPI)
  • We will never sell embryos where both sire and dam are carriers of the same genetic trait, be that myostatin, horn or red coat colour genes. We don’t want you to have a 25% chance of producing a double-muscled, horned or red purebred embryo calf that cannot be registered!  
  • Any domestic embryos offered for sale by JAD have been produced by Dr Stuart Geard and his highly reputable team at Holbrook Breeders Australia
  • We are always available to assist purchasers of JAD embryos, including sharing of our own significant experiences in relation to managing and preparing recipient females to maximise results, DNA/registration requirements of resulting progeny, and so forth. We have transferred more than 3000 embryos since 2016 and have learnt a LOT along the way – what to do, and what NOT to do. We are more than happy to share our learnings with our clients
  • Please know that selling embryos is not our core business and not something we plan on doing at a large scale. We will only sell embryos from proven donors/sires, and we retain a portion of each combination we create for in-herd use. Anyone who accesses JAD embryos can consider themselves among a small and exclusive group – you will not be trying to sell resulting progeny in two years time only to find 3-4 other studs outside of JAD are marketing exactly the same genetics at the same time.

Please Contact Us to request an emailed copy of our JAD Embryo Sales Terms & Conditions document.


Sire Listings Female Listings Semen Listings

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