Rising Stars

Monday, March 12, 2018
Our 2023-drop of approximately 400 purebred calves (U-drops) are overwhelmingly produced out of our own JAD-bred females, using some of the breed’s most soughtafter proven sires including JAD Quistacat Q48 (JAD Q48), Maungahina Northern Star (MAU N263), Maungahina Promise (MAU P194), and Maungahina Nikko (MAU N264). In many cases, the animal’s parents AND grandparents are all fully performance-recorded through Breedplan.

We run our animals in large contemporary groups, ensuring the cream has to fight its way to the top. All animals are fully performance-recorded, to give our clients confidence that the bull(s) they select will go out and do the job they are intended for. 

Sire Listings Female Listings Semen Listings

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